Thursday, June 20, 2013

The story of Ponyo

Who would have known raising a dog is much tougher than you expected. I'm writing this blog as my little Ponyo, a beautiful two-year old Golden retriever lies comfortably in front my fireplace heater during the cool winter.

I wrote this listening to the amazing symphony orchestra music for Ponyo the movie.
To get a true sense and feeling of this blog please listen to the music here

Where do I begin? 

The first day I met Ponyo. 

I received a call from my friend who told me about an owner who was giving away golden retriever puppies. I've always wanted a dog but my parents were strongly against it. After trying to convince my parents, I went to check out the puppies, and the next thing I saw was the cutest thing in the whole world. A whole litter of puppies, 6 of them, each of them waddled out into the living room. It was absolutely the cutest thing I've seen in my life. They look like they just woke up. They were small, tiny, fluffy and unbearably cute. Here's a picture of them, I can instantly tell the one in the middle is my little Ponyo. Ponyo still has the same little cute thing where he looks to the side. 

They walked around peeing here and there. Then the next thing they did might make you squeal. They waddled over and put their heads on your lap! 

All of them waddled over and started sleeping next to you. OMG puppies are one of my most favourite things in the world!

Their mum and dad were both outside. The dog on the right was Ponyo's dad. A beautifully majestic creamy-white Golden retriever. Ponyo looks just like his dad!

After much convincing, my parents came to visit the dogs and we ended up bringing one of the puppies home. Here we have a picture of Ponyo with his brothers and sisters. I was extremely excited. The night before I had extensively researched how to look after a dog, everything from the type of food, medicine, healthcare, things he needed and how to train him. 

The first night I put him in a large box where he continuously cried. It was one of the saddest things ever. But this was natural thing as he was experiencing separation anxiety after leaving his mum and dad. The next few days he was extremely sad. I tried my best to comfort him. Eventually he got used to the separation and started to act normal again. He was a sleepy little guy, which is  common for puppies as they sleep 14 hours each day. He was also the almighty pooping machine.

Finding a name

Now I had to name him. It was one of the hardest decisions in my life. I couldn't come up with a name. My family friend suggested 'Wilson', a combination of my name and my brothers. I disagreed. I wanted a name that was meaningful. Something that described him perfectly, his traits and his personality. Something that was cute yet not cheesy.

That's when it hit me. PONYO!  

Ponyo in Japanese is an onomatopoeia describing the words "soft", "cute", "squishy", "chubby" and "jiggly".  In English it would similar to the word "boing". The word is based on Miyazaki's idea of what a "soft, squishy, softness" sounds like when touched. In the movie, the character 'Sosuke' rescues Ponyo and looks after her. Much like how I rescued Ponyo : )

There is a hidden meaning behind the movie which I thought was excellent. The subject was love, though not romantic love and certainly not sexual love. The movie highlights the missing link of devotional love, represented between parents and their children, the old widows at home, their families, Ponyo and her parents. Sosuke is the only character that breaks through boundaries that adults have set up and his need to connect is the same need that connects him to Ponyo. When Ponyo and Sosuke set off in a toy boat, it is significant that they are the first in the film to encounter a complete family. It is the only time we see a man, woman and a child together. Sosuke's acceptance of Ponyo regardless of whether she is a fish or a girl saves the world because it acknowledges no boundaries. The devotional love between them has no limit. The boundaries people have erected -- between nature and humans; between the past, present and future; between water and air -- are dissolved by Sosuke's declaration.

Ponyo is an argument for us to reconnect with each other more strongly in order to bring the world back into balance. 

This is why I named him Ponyo. There's is strong symbolism within the name representing something cute, bouncy and playful while there are also strong references to devotional love and connection regardless of boundaries we have created. In my case, it's the boundaries between human and animal.

That's why I love Studio Ghibli films so much. They are extremely meaningful. They all have hidden messages and symbols encrypted deep within the plot of the movie. These are messages you don't get when you're young but subconsciously teaches you a moralistic lesson, it's more of a movie directed towards both adults and children. Something we can both can love and share. 

Ponyo has his own theme song which can be listened to here.

Raising a puppy

Raising a dog is much like raising a child. There are similarities within the interaction and the relationship. I'm glad I waited until later in life to commit to one. Raising a puppy involves an incredible amount of responsibility. They both need time, patience, money, love, commitment, tough love, sanity... the list goes on.

Did I mention money? I've spent a fortune on Ponyo's food and healthcare, I could have bought a car!

But it's all worth it in the end :)

Fortunately, a puppy is easier in the sense that the stages don't last as long, so it's more accelerated.  Ponyo had no control over his bowel, and pretty much urinated everywhere when I first got him.
It was one of most difficult times in my life.
 I spent so much time cleaning his pee and poo everyday. 
I also had to feed him at the exact time every single day so I could monitor his bowel movements. 

My most memorable moments were potty training him. 
I fed him three times a day.
9am. 12pm. 6pm. Exact. I waited for the exact second.
After feeding him he usually pees straight away and poops an hour later. 
After feeding him I took him outside onto the balcony and waited for him to do his business.
Imagine this during the middle of winter.
I waited outside in the freezing cold next to him, sometimes for hours.

Establishing a routine is extremely important when raising a puppy.
After some dedication he knew to go outside to pee on the training mat.
He slowly got the hint and it was an amazing moment when he could it himself!

The next step was teaching him bite inhibition. He had the naughty habit of biting and chewing objects. This can be simply taught by pretending to be in excruciating pain when he bit you. He needed to learn to control his bite. He was in his 'teething' stage and was learning more about the world through his bite. After a while his bite became much more gentle.

Raising a dog requires much patience, consistency, positive reinforcement and understanding of basic learning theory and budgeting.

The next stage was teaching him basic commands such as sit, lay down and stay. These are the most important commands and once taught can reinforce obedience. The important factor to consider is remaining consistent and being patient. Every few hours I'd teach him to sit and stay, then reward him with treats after doing so. Rinse and repeat.

He was quite a quick learner and picked it up in an instant.

Ponyo and his older brother "Bagel" sleeping together 

He also loves sunrises.

Soft and fluffy Ponyo : )

Ponyo just turned two years old a few days ago. He's officially an adult now. He's much more mature and respectable around people. Happy birthday Ponyo!

Ponyo after a good run; the most recent picture of him. 

Looking after a dog requires lots responsibility. There are many irresponsible owners out there who neglect their dogs, they punish them and mistreat them. Dogs can't understand us, we can only show them the right ways through love and positive communication.

Dog's are the only creatures evolved enough to convey pure love. Questers of truth, that's who dogs are, seekers after the invisible scent of another being's the authentic core. If having a soul means being able to feel love, loyalty and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans. They're happy everyday you see them. Every time you come home, they're always the first one waiting happily at the door. To them you are their world, we are the center of their universe.  We are the focus of their love, faith and trust. The dog is the only animal to have seen and met God.

Dogs are amazing creatures.

Best of all, he always has a smile on his face.